How to Take Care of Your Nissan Truck and Its Parts

Maintaining a truck, whether it is used for business or just for personal use, is never easy. It is not as small as a normal car or vehicle that can be maintained easily. But of course, it can still be done with proper tools, knowledge and a bit of patience.


Is maintenance really necessary?

Obviously, it is! Just like any other vehicle, trucks also need its regular maintenance for us to make sure that it will not break down for any reason while we are driving which can cause unwanted accidents. Also, it can definitely lengthen the life of the truck itself, giving you more years on the road.

In terms of maintenance, a truck needs regular maintenance and preventive maintenance. For starts, here are a list of things you need to maintain, something you can do by yourself:


Oil change

It is highly important to change the oil of your truck! What most professional mechanic would recommend is that you have to change the oil of your truck every 6 months, or about 10,000 mileage. If you are going to do it yourself, make sure to check the directions in the owner’s manual of your truck and check the right kind or type of oil that you need.


Tire rotation

Of course, trucks are heavier than other usual vehicles that you see on the road and that is why they have bigger and thicker tires than other cars. But it does not mean that the tires will not wear out! The tires are under a huge amount of pressure due to the weight and can wear out easily, specially the tires in the front. It is highly recommended to get your tires rotate every time you change your oil. This will not only make your tires last a lot longer, but also can make your ride a lot smoother and even reduce the pressure on your suspension.


Lights and brakes

For your safety and everyone else’s that is on the road, it is best to regularly check your lights and brakes. The lights are not only for your use to be able to see on the road whenever its dark, but it is also for other cars and people to see that you are on the road. As for the brakes, always make sure that they are fully functional so that you can avoid any kind of unwanted accident.


Regular inspection

You might already know some stuff about maintaining a truck, however, it is still recommended that every once in a while, you must stop in for an inspection with a professional. By doing so, you can make sure that you are not really missing anything out of the ordinary. If you did miss something, then they can help you out with it and let you know how to take better care of the problem.


Aside from the preventive and regular maintenance of the truck, you have to keep track of the different parts that you need to maintain as well. You will have to thoroughly check everything for any rust, corrosion, and degradation of certain parts to make sure that it will not affect any other parts near it. Some may need just proper care, while other parts may need replacement.


Good thing is that you easily find Renault parts here in Singapore, including brands like Nissan and Volvo. But you have to make sure that whatever you are getting is the right part for your truck. For instance, you are trying to order Renault spare parts here in Singapore, then you have to get the right model number of your truck and the specific model code for the part that you need. Once you have it, you can look for any authorized parts provider online and directly order it from them. Also, you need to make sure that you know exactly how to install or replace those parts that you have. You may know where to buy Volvo truck parts, but if you do not know how to work on it, then it might be best to leave it to a professional.


It is a lot better to consult an authorized service center to make sure that any damage parts or replacement jobs will be taken care of properly, especially if you have no idea how to deal with it.

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